
Finding Experts for Your Team!

If you are searching for the appropriate experts in your own organization, we can help!

Within our network of internationally-recognized consultants we may have the specialty you need. And our support does not stop the moment you accept a CV. We keep track of performance and ensure quality with continuous feedback cycles, of course within the limits of confidentiality as indicated by you or your client, to secure and improve the quality of our services.

Recently we have provided Transport Planners, Traffic Forecast Modelers, Parking Management Experts, Transport System Experts and Road Safety Experts for international projects in Croatia, Malta, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi-Arabia.

LanguageHuman Resources  Recursos Humanos  


You can contact us daily from
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM:

By Phone
0800 8326733 (toll-free within Germany)
+49 (0)30 138 986 35

or by Email.

We call you back! Please use our call back form.